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Essential Wilderness Survival Skills

Discover the Lost Skills Your Ancestors Utilized to Thrive in the Wild

And How YOU Can Quickly and Easily Master Them to Find Food and Water… Build Shelter… Navigate…  and Save Your Own and Other People’s Lives in Emergency Situations

“I learned so much in such a short time, I am still amazed by it.”
William Fisher, US Air Force Veteran

Our ancestors got everything they needed from the wilderness.

They had shelter, food, and water, and could move around using natural means.

Some people still live like this today, cut off from the modern world and its technological advances.

They live completely off the land. They use plants for food, medicine, shelter, and equipment. They have sophisticated foraging, tracking and navigating techniques. 

Thanks to their ability to adapt, they’re typically healthy, self-sufficient, and happy.

However, we’ve lost the survival skills our ancestors had, and the sense of connection nature gives us. We’ve become completely dependent on society to provide for us. 

This is why hundreds of people get lost in the wilderness each year and don’t make it out; or perish during natural disasters.

Without modern comforts, you risk dying from exposure to the elements, a lack of food or clean water, or simply panicking and making the wrong decisions.

The Most Unique and Important Skills YOU Can Acquire

My name is Jason Knight and I am a co-founder of Alderleaf. For the last 20 years, it’s been my passion to help people rediscover the lost skills their ancestors had… and reconnect with nature. 

And this is what I want for you.

I want to share with you the survival skills our ancestors used to make shelter, find food and water, and make their home in the wild.

These are skills that few people in the world know. Yet they’re often a matter of life and death.

Every year, hundreds of people get lost in the wild, and, sadly, many don’t survive. Whether it’s from a hiking or camping trip which presented some unforeseen danger… or a breakdown or accident while traveling in an uninhabited area.

They find themselves cut off from the modern world and lack the knowledge they need to survive.

I want to equip you with our ancestors’ survival skills and know-how. So if you ever find yourself in such a situation, you’ll know exactly what to do.

In the process, you’ll save your life and the lives of others who may be in your company. 

This is why we’ve made this essential wilderness survival skills course available for you to take online.

In this course, you’re going to rediscover the lost knowledge our ancestors had and the key components to becoming self-sufficient in nature.

  • If you like to go hiking, you’ll have the confidence to handle yourself if you get into a difficult situation.
  • If you’re ever caught in an accident while travelling or a natural disaster, you’ll know what to do to survive.
  • Or if you’re a survivalist who wants to know how to live completely off the land, you’ll have the skills to do so.

You’re about to discover how the wilderness has everything you need to not only survive… but also to thrive.

Introducing The Essential Wilderness Survival Skills Course
The No. 1 Online Resource for Developing the Skills YOU Need for Surviving in the Outdoors

The Essential Wilderness Survival Skills Course equips you with everything you need to be confident in the wild.

You’ll be able to enter any natural habitat with a sense of control. 

You’ll be able to lead groups to safety.

You’ll know how to stay safe and make the wild your home. 

The course is a combination of online videos and downloadable PDFs. In the videos, you’ll get a clear demonstration of how each skill works. While the downloadable notes give you written instructions that you can bring with you into the wild.

Let’s take a look at what you’ll find inside the course:

Module 1: Core Survival Concepts

Before you start learning survival skills, it’s important you understand the potential problems you could face.

In module 1, you’ll discover:

  • How to survive in the wilderness without a tent, sleeping bag, food or water.
  • The survival mistake which could cost you your life.
  • How to keep your cool and avoid making dangerous mistakes. 
  • The first thing you should do to survive in the wild.
  • The 5-part survival strategy you must follow at all times to have any chance of staying alive. 
  • What the most important survival rule is. Break this and you’ll be in trouble, fast.
  • What your priorities should be in any survival situation. 
  • What the 3 biggest threats to your survival are and how to deal with them.
  • Why you shouldn’t drink water from surface sources.
  • Where to look to find drinkable water.
  • How to start a fire using some wood and rocks. 
  • How to ensure you consume enough calories, protein and fat.
  • Why looking for food can be one of the biggest mistakes you can make.

After studying survival since I was 11 years old, I thought survival was hard and even impossible in some situations. I found other survival teachings to be vague and incomplete and I was unable to properly put them to practice. 

Yet when I took the Essential Wilderness Survival Skills course, I discovered I could not only “survive” but “thrive” in the wild, and by using basic, natural materials which could all be sourced in the woods. 

Your course taught me new skills and presented skills I already knew in a new light, which were easier for me to grasp. 

I was finally able to master techniques like using the bow-drill. Because of this, I quickly grew in confidence and I know I can now handle myself in the wild.” 

Joe Littlehorn, Experienced Hiker, Steamboat Springs, CO

Module 2: Wilderness Survival Shelter

Maintaining body heat is your no. 1 survival priority. Hypothermia is the most common cause of death in the wild.

This is why building a shelter is so important. It will help reduce heat loss and give you a base to allow you to work on your other survival skills essentials.

In module 2, you’ll discover:

  • Step by step instructions on how to build a shelter.
  • Simple tips and tricks to make your shelter more effective.
  • How to avoid hazardous areas which can damage your shelter. 
  • How to build a shelter in a way which keeps you warm.
  • How to test your shelter to ensure it will protect you from the weather.
  • How to build a shelter for yourself or several people. 
  • 5 types of shelters you can use in all climates whether you’re in a hot, temperate or snowy environment. 
  • How to make shelters which you can heat with a fire.
  • The simple shelter-making mistake which will ruin all your hard work.
  • How to build a shelter made of snow which keeps you warm.

I am currently a Scout Leader and have spent many years hiking, camping, and enjoying the outdoors. The importance of being prepared is priceless. I have taken several wilderness survival courses in the woods and have read books. I highly recommend this course! I learned new stuff! Worth the time and cost. Thank you for sharing!”

Luis Cuadrado, Scout Leader

  • The 1 kind of shelter which works in both warm and cool climates and can be built in any environment. 
  • 5 steps to choosing a location to build your shelter. 
  • The common shelter mistake which you must avoid. 
  • What to use for bedding so you don’t lose body heat. 
  • What direction your doorway must face. 
  • How to test the insulation and ensure your shelter will keep you warm. 
  • How to make a doorway which stops a draft from coming in. 
  • How to prevent water from entering your shelter and getting it wet.

I am a Professor of Anthropology at Stony Brook University in New York where I teach a course in ancestral skills which includes wilderness survival. I also serve now-and-again as scientific advisor for television programs, documentaries, movies, and museums on anthropological subjects. 

I found your course a valuable refresher. It gave me ideas for teaching my students about friction fire and heated-rock-boiling, as well as how to use a compass. 

I am even thinking about assigning your online course as the “textbook” and then teaching supplemental labs practicing the skills face-to-face.

I also feel more confident about setting off into the desert looking for archaeological sites.”

John J. Shea, Professor of Anthropology at Stony Brook University and Research Associate with the Turkana Basin Institute

Module 3: Survival Water Purification

It is vital you stay hydrated. You can last only 3 days without water. Your body needs 3 to 4 quarts of water per day to be fully hydrated. 

A simple 2% drop in water can signal signs of dehydration. Just one day without water will impair your mental performance and can lead to fatal judgement calls.

Untreated dehydration will lead to delirium, unconsciousness, swelling of the tongue and death.

Water found in nature often contains dangerous pathogens which can even be present in fast moving or clear water.

In module 3, you’ll discover:

  • Why eating when you’re dehydrated can be a fatal mistake. 
  • The danger from drinking from fast moving, clear water.
  • 5 safe sources of water in the wild. 
  • What parts of streams have the safest drinkable water. 
  • The 1 source of water which is safe to drink immediately and untreated.
  • How to find and take advantage of the wild’s natural distillation process. 
  • How to find water under the ground. 
  • The dangers of drinking surface water.
  • What plants you can use for reliable sources of safe water.
  • How to purify water without chemical or filtering equipment, or even a metal container.
  • The primitive method of water purification which you can always rely on when no other source of water is available. 
  • What to add to the water so it tastes better and is more nutritious. 
  • How to get rid of all pathogens and viruses from water with a technique used by many hunter-gatherer peoples around the globe.
  • The common water purification method which you should only use as a last resort. 

I’ve been hiking for 7 years. I completed the Essential Wilderness Survival Skills course because not only did I want to have a better understanding of how to survive in the wilderness, I am also starting a hiking guide business in the PNW of Washington state. 

I need to be prepared for emergency situations which may arise. After completing the course I feel confident I can survive in the wilderness and assist other hikers that may need help also. 

I learned much more than I expected to. I did take one other survival course, but yours was much more detailed and covered many more skills to learn. I highly recommend the Essential Wilderness Survival Skills online course to anyone who wants to know how to survive in the wild.”

Rachel Hook, Founder of Untamed PNW Hiking, Tumwater, WA

Module 4: Survival Fire Skills

Fire is crucial for your survival in the wild. You need fire to heat your shelter and keep you warm, to cook your food, and purify your water.

It also helps ward off wild animals and bugs. What’s more, it gives you important psychological comfort and boosts your morale.

In module 4, you’ll discover:

  • How to start a fire even in the wettest climates. 
  • An easy to learn fire making technique you can use anywhere. 
  • How to avoid common fire making mistakes. 
  • The 6 parts you need to make a bow-drill set.
  • How to make a bow-drill set in 5 simple steps.
  • The simple test you can use to see if wood is suitable for making a fire with. 
  • What to use for tinder to get your fire going.
  • How to choose the right location for making a fire. 
  • What materials to use for making a fire. 
  • 5 fire making mistakes you need to avoid.
  • How to layer the materials in your fire so it burns efficiently.

I took the Essential Wilderness Survival Skills because I wanted to be better prepared to survive in the wilderness for any length of time.

I combed the internet for online courses my family including my children could do as well. This course gave us the flexibility we needed and was affordable for all of us to learn together.

I felt that the skills were explained well and gave me a better understanding of what I could expect if I were trying to stay alive in the wilderness. After the course, I felt better equipped to handle an outdoor emergency. 

I would wholeheartedly recommend this course to others.  The handouts were very helpful that accompanied the video segments and I appreciate that I can watch the videos multiple times. My 7 year-old son watches them regularly and continues to learn new information.”

Olivia Couture, Business Owner and Homeschool Teacher, Michigan

Module 5: Wild Survival Foods

The forest is your feast. It has an abundance of wild edibles for you to eat. 

Identifying edible plants is one of the most important skills for surviving in the wild. They’re a good source of vitamins, starch and fiber. 

In addition to food, you can also use plants for fire, shelter, hunting implements, fishing tools, and medicine. 

In module 5, you’ll discover:

  • How to tell which plants are safe to eat.
  • What plants are poisonous and must be avoided at all costs. 
  • How to find edible plants no matter where you are.
  • How to tell the difference between edible plants and their poisonous look-alikes. 
  • What areas you should avoid harvesting plants from.
  • What times of year certain plants are safe to eat and when they’re dangerous to consume. 
  • How to know what parts of different plants are safe to eat.
  • The 5 criteria to assess plants before you can safely eat them.
  • 8 wild plants which are the best source of food.
  • What plants you can use for other survival needs. 
  • The golden rule for deciding whether or not a plant is edible or poisonous. (if you don’t know a plant for certain.)
  • What fruits, shoots and leaves are the most nutritious. 
  • Be able to identify plants by their flower, leaf and branch type.
  • Know what parts of plants are edible: the leaves, flowers, flower stalks and roots.

I absolutely love this course on Essential Wilderness Survival Skills. The videos were precise and to the point which help to keep me on track to listen and learn. Thank you!”

Cheryl Wyatt

  • What plants you can use for shelters, mats, beddings, insulation for clothing, and tinder bundles.
  • Which plants you can eat raw and which ones you have to cook.
  • What plants you can use for burns, stings and rashes.
  • What plants you can use for large leaves for wrapping food for steam cooking, leaf fibers for temporary lashing or even as a floss. 
  • What plants are good for making cordage materials like rope. 
  • What plants you should never eat.
  • What times of the year are best to look for different plants. 
  • Where to look for certain plants. 
  • 2 simple and easy to find tools you can use for acquiring food.
  • What species to target and which ones to avoid. 
  • Which amphibians you should never eat as they could potentially kill you.
  • A simple method for catching fish using sticks. 
  • How to choose a rabbit stick.
  • How to tell if insects are safe to eat or not.

Prior to attending Alderleaf I was getting ready to retire from the US Air Force.

The training that I received at Alderleaf was amazing. I had prior survival training in the Boy Scouts as a teenager and from books and videos, but the instructors at Alderleaf made all the difference.

They are passionate about what they do, and very good at passing that along to their students. I learned so much in such a short time, I am still amazed by it.

Fortunately, I was able to use my newly gained knowledge to start my new career with the Forest Service, where I have taught a class on winter survival to a group of local kids. I have also joined my local Search and Rescue team, and pass on knowledge to the team as well. 

On top of the professional gains, I feel the most important thing that I received from Alderleaf is the comfort and peace of mind that I now have while out in the woods doing what I love. 

Plus, I have more confidence in my abilities and I believe that helps me make better decisions while out and when preparing to go out in the mountains.

I am constantly telling friends, family, and co-workers about my experience at Alderleaf, and recommend it to everyone.”

William Fisher, Forestry Tech, US Forest Service and US Air Force Veteran

Module 6: Preparation and Prevention

The more prepared you are, the more likely you are to survive. This is why, as well as survival skills, it’s helpful to have both a survival kit and know basic navigation skills.

Knowing how to get from A to B in the wild is empowering. It gives you a sense of control and eliminates fear.

In module 6, you’ll discover:

  • The must-needed survival item you should always bring with you. 
  • How to use celestial objects and landforms to navigate.  
  • What to do if your only option is to walk out.
  • What items and tools to bring with you if you get lost.
  • What tools can help you to thrive in any survival situation. 
  • The common knife you should never use in the wild.
  • 5 features your survival knife must have.
  • The fatal mistake most people make when using a compass.
  • The simple trick to finding your way back from where you’ve gone.
  • How to make it easier for people to find you if you get lost.
  • How your ancestors got around without needing a compass. 
  • 3 trailblazing techniques to prevent yourself from getting lost. 
  • How to find your way back to safety if you go off the beaten track.

The wilderness survival course truly opened my eyes to how wonderful and plentiful the outdoors is. Knowledge is empowering. It was truly a life changing event!”

Zuri Biringer

  • 3 simple ways to alert people about your whereabouts so they can locate you fast.
  • How to mark your whereabouts so you’re easy to track and find. 
  • Find your way back to where you came with the tracking technique used by hunter-gatherers.
  • The right way to use a map and compass.
  • The most important thing to do when lost.
  • The deadly error which can cost you your life if you get lost. 
  • How to know where to go to find civilization and get to safety in the fastest time possible.  
  • How to make universal signs to alert people you’re lost. 
  • How to put a survival kit together.
  • The 6 most important things to have in your survival kit.

Before starting at Alderleaf, I was an active-duty Marine working at Quantico. I had a very stressful job as a mechanic responsible for maintaining Marine One helicopters, in direct support of President Obama. 

Alderleaf helped me transition from military to civilian life. The “nature therapy” was just what I needed. I wanted to learn how to connect with the natural world. Alderleaf helped me do that and more.”

 Andrew Tuttle, Former Mechanic of Marine One Helicopters, Seattle, WA

Module 7: Bringing It Together and Further Resources

In the final module, we’ll review key information, bring all the elements together, and talk about further resources. 

You’ll discover how to master each skill in the course so you can confidently handle yourself should you get lost.

Alderleaf introduced me to the many wonders of the natural world and provided a depth to life that I would never have otherwise experienced. With the knowledge I’ve acquired, I can now comfortably spend any amount of time in the wilderness and feel completely at home.”

Nick Nelmsoverholtzer, San Francisco, CA

The Essential Wilderness Survival Skills Certificate

When you complete the course, you’ll be awarded with The Essential Wilderness Survival Skills Certificate.

You can use it to show your credibility with outdoor survival. 

You can put it on your resume to stand out from other candidates. 

Or simply hang it on your wall to proudly display it to friends and family.

Get Instructor Support for the First 4 Months

It’s important you know how to apply these skills correctly. They could one day save your live… or you could use them to save the life of a loved one. 

This is why when you sign up to the course now, you’ll get instructor support for the first 4 months of your 2-year access to the course. 

One of our survival experts will answer any questions you may have about the modules or anything else to do with the course.

This will give you plenty of time to master the techniques so you can put them into practice whenever the need may arise.

The Essential Wilderness Survival Skills course will give you the know-how to survive in the wild.

However, there are other skills which are also helpful to know. This is why you’ll also get some bonus survival videos and guides. 

We’ve included them as FREE bonuses for a limited time, as they’re handy additional skills to have.

FREE Bonus No. 1:
How to Make Cordage in 5 Steps Video

Knowing how to make rope made from plants, a.k.a. cordage, is a valuable survival skill. You can use it for building your shelter, making your bow drill, fishing lines, and much more. 

Stinging nettle is the best plant to use for this as its cordage is strong and versatile and it’s abundant in the wild.

You’ll discover:

  • How to make cordage from a stinging nettle stock in 5 simple steps. 
  • What the best times of the year are to make cordage from stinging nettle.
  • How to spot the plant in the winter when the leaves and seeds have fallen off.

FREE Bonus No. 2:
How to Make a Hand Drill Fire Video

The hand drill is the most common fire making method found amongst hunter-gatherer cultures in North America. It works best in dry conditions and can be a quicker way to make a fire when the conditions are right. 

You’ll discover:

  • How long the hand drill needs to be.
  • What woods to use as a fireboard.
  • Where to find suitable wood to use for your hand drill.
  • How to prepare the wood before using it.
  • How to use the floating technique to get the maximum rotations.
  • How to position your body so you can make a fire with the least effort.
  • How to use it safely and avoid blistering on your hands.

FREE Bonus No. 3 
The “Wild Edible Plants Recipes” Guide

This 10-page guide is your cheat sheet for eating in the wild. It’s packed with must-know info and recipes with the most common wild plants you’ll find.

You’ll discover: 

  • Techniques you can use to properly identify plants.
  • How to remember what plants are edible and which aren’t.
  • How to ensure you don’t accidentally include poisonous plants in your harvest.
  • Know which plants can co-exist with others so you don’t disrupt habitats. 
  • Ethical harvesting guidelines to ensure you don’t harm the environment.
  • The 7 types of plants you’ll typically find in the wild. 
  • The 5 most common edible plants found across the country.
  • The golden rule about when you should and shouldn’t eat a plant. 
  • 25 of the most common poisonous plants you must avoid.
  • How to tell the difference between the most abundant edible plant and its poisonous imitator which often grows next to it. 
  • How to make dandelion flower fritters.
  • How to make dandelion root tea.
  • A table showing you what vitamins and minerals you can find in wild plants.
  • 4 flour recipes you can make from wild plants.
  • A nutritious and simple to make wild salad recipe. 
  • A wild greens pasta recipe.
  • How to make shortbread from wild plants.
  • Oregon grape jelly recipe.

FREE Bonus No. 4:
The Many Uses of Stinging Nettle Video

Stinging Nettle is one of the most versatile wild plants. 

You can use it to treat allergies, anemia, improve your kidney function and much more.

It can be used to make cloth and cordage from it. 

And it’s nature’s multivitamin. It contains vitamins A, C and K, and several B vitamins. As well as minerals like calcium, iron, and magnesium. 

You’ll discover:

  • How to cook it in a way which neutralizes the stingers. 
  • How to instantly neutralize it so you can eat it raw.
  • How to make a highly nutritious nettle tea.

FREE Bonus No. 5:
Plants That Repel Mosquitoes Video

Mosquitos are a nuisance when going hiking, out camping, and being in the outdoors in general.

In this video, you’ll discover three plants which have compounds that repel mosquitos. 

This includes:

  • How to identify the mosquito-repelling plants so you don’t accidentally use ones which can harm your skin. 
  • How to make a mosquito repelling smoke called a smudge from a plant.
  • How to use the juice from a plant which you can apply to your skin and repel mosquitos. 
  • How to make a spray from a plant which you can put on your skin and ward off mosquitos. 
  • What places to avoid so you can be free from mosquitos. 
  • And how to make wherever you are less attractive to them.

How much is the Essential Wilderness Survival Skills Course?

What you’ll discover in the course and the FREE bonuses is invaluable knowledge and skills which could one day save your own or someone else’s life.

When you want to acquire skills which you could one day depend on to save your life, you need to make sure they work. 

Our instructors are experts in the area of survival. This is why government institutions, private organizations, and television production companies consult with us and hire us to provide survival training. When you attain this knowledge, you’ll have the security you need to survive in the wild without modern comforts.

It’s hard to put a price on knowledge like this.

We normally only offer this course at certain times of the year as a live, in-person weekend course for $297.

However, it’s important that as many people as possible find out about these survival skills.

And by having it online you don’t have to take time out of your busy schedule to attend a course, or even travel to our on-site location outside Seattle… or have to buy camping equipment… all of which can cost upwards of $1,000.

We know these skills could one day save someone’s life. So we want to make them accessible to as many people as we can.

That’s why you can sign up for our Essential Wilderness Survival Skills Online Course today for only $197. This means you save over 30%.

This is a small price to pay for the peace of mind these skills will give you.

Nowhere else will you find expert instructors who are consultants to the government and television industry sharing their expertise at such a price.

You’ll be able to go into the wild at any time and feel secure knowing you have shelter, food, water, fire, and much more around you.

100% No-Risk Guarantee

We’re so confident our Essential Wilderness Survival Skills Course will equip you with the knowledge you need to survive in the wild, we’re offering you our 60-day money-back guarantee.

This means you have plenty of time to go through the course at your own pace and practice the various techniques you’ll find inside. 

In the unlikely event, you don’t think the course has given you the know-how to get out of survival situations alive, then you can get a full refund. No questions asked.

To date, this course has equipped over 700 people from all walks of life…whether stay-at-home parents or former U.S. Marines… with life-saving wilderness survival skills.

Now It’s YOUR Turn!

The Essential Wilderness Survival Skills course will equip you with skills few people in the world possess

You’ll be one of the rare people who can build shelter, find food and water, make fire, and is self-sufficient in the wild.

And the best part is, with the 60-day guarantee, you can go through the whole course risk-free. 

Remember, when you sign up for the Essential Wilderness Survival Skills Course, you get access to all the videos and accompanying PDFs… as well as the FREE bonuses… 

These include the Extra Instructor Support for the first 4 months… the bonus videos on Hand-drill Fire Making, How to Make Survival Cordage, Uses of Stinging Nettle, Plants That Repel Mosquitos… and the guide, Wild Edible Plants Recipes.

These are skills that everyone should know. Many lives would have been saved if people knew what to do in the wild. One day you could find yourself in such a situation and these skills could save your life. 

And the best part is, for a limited time you can get access to all the videos, PDFs and FREE bonuses for over 30% off for only $197.

However, to get the course and all the FREE bonuses, you must act fast!…

The bonuses are only available for a limited time. What’s more, due to the great care we give in our 4-months of extra instructional support, there is a threshold on how many people are allowed into the course at any given time.

So to take advantage of this offer, and acquire these life-saving survival skills, we urge you to sign up while you still can.

The Essential Wilderness Survival Skills Online Course includes:

  • Seven Modules – Survival Concepts, Natural Shelter, Water Purification, Friction Fire, Wild Edible Plants, Survival Kits, Navigation & More
  • Twelve Video Lessons
  • Nine Handout eBooks (over 87 pages!)
  • Special Bonus: Wild Edible Plants Recipes Guide
  • Certificate of Completion

Take advantage of our years of experience teaching thousands of students to accelerate your own learning!

After taking the Essential Wilderness Survival Skills Online Course I feel confident about applying survival skills in the wild.  

I was especially impressed by the amount of information that was effectively conveyed in such an easy-to-digest format. The instructors were clearly very knowledgeable and passionate about their craft, and that was consistently conveyed over the span of this course. 

I learned brand new ways of applying previously learned skills that are invaluable – such as making/using a bowdrill kit and shelter building. The presentations were concise and easy to absorb, and I found it a great benefit that I could do them at my own pace.

This course was invaluable to furthering my life and career goals. I highly recommend it for anyone, whether they want to pursue a career in the outdoors – or simply want to learn how to take care of themselves in the event they have to.”

Cameron Langford

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this course for?
The course is for everyone, not just hikers or backpackers. It is for anyone who wants to know how to survive and be prepared for emergencies – whether you’re a complete beginner or an experienced outdoor enthusiast.

Can I fit the course into a busy schedule?
Absolutely. The lessons are split into easily digestible segments, so that you can fit them in between a busy schedule. And you get two years of access, so you can take your time.

Are the lessons inside the course pre-recorded?
All the lessons are pre-recorded and the pdf handout booklets are downloadable, which means you can go through the course at your own pace. Simply log in and start watching at whatever time suits you best.

What is the cost of the course?
The course is on sale for a limited time for $197 (over 30% off the regular price of $297).

Can I get the course as a gift for a friend or family member?
Yes! After signing up, just let us know what name/email to transfer the enrollment to.

What will I need to watch the lessons inside the course?
To watch the lessons, all you need is an internet connection. You can watch the course on a desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone.

If I’m not happy with the course, can I get a refund?
Absolutely. We offer a 60-day money back guarantee. This means, in the unlikely event you’re not satisfied with the course, just let us know anytime within the first 60-days and you can get a full refund. This will give you plenty of time to go through the course and see if it’s right for you.

How long do I have access to the course?
You have access to the course for two years from the date you sign up. This way you can take your time going through the lessons and come back to review the materials as many times as you like.

Are there any tests or homework?
There are no tests or homework. However, there are fun and empowering suggested projects!

What if I have questions while taking the course?
Each lesson has a comments section where you can ask any questions you may have. Our instructors will answer your questions by the next business day. You can also contact the office if by chance you have any technical support questions.

Will I receive a certificate?
Yes. There is a recognition of completion certificate at the end of the course that can be printed or added to a resume.

What do I get when I sign up?
When you sign up to the Essential Wilderness Survival Skills Course, you get access to all the videos and accompanying handouts… as well as the FREE bonuses. These include the bonus videos on Hand-drill Fire Making, How to Make Survival Cordage, Uses of Stinging Nettle, Plants That Repel Mosquitos… and the guide, Wild Edible Plants Recipes.

If you pass up this opportunity, will you be prepared for your next outing?

Get this course now and have your training completed before your next outdoor adventure!



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I have been in the digital marketing  for over 15 years, running my own digital agency, working for thousands of clients and projects, helping them grow their business and sell products, and services


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