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New Website Service Build

New WordPress Website Build x pages

Includes up to x10 pages – Budget Web Solution Deluxe Business Site

SSL Certificate updated quarterly

Provide Quarterly Update – SSL Certificate For Security

Advanced WordPress Plugins

Provide Plugins need to Build Site

Advanced Monthly SEO x 1Yr

Includes advanced Monthly SEO (search engine optimization, Google my business setup, & webmaster tools.

Includes 1 year of free web hosting

Site will be hosted on VPN (Virtual Private Network)

Maintenance For Site 1 Year

Provide Monthly Web-care report, statistics, updates and checks to keep site running smoothly

Build Contact Estimate Form

Custom Build, 3 Pop Ups, and Website Estimate Form



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About Me

I have been in the digital marketing  for over 15 years, running my own digital agency, working for thousands of clients and projects, helping them grow their business and sell products, and services


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